Journal of A Review of Theorizing of Behavioral Sciences
The Quarterly Journal of A Review of Theorizing of Behavioral Sciences (RTBS) was established in 2023 based on the decision of the Press Supervisory Board dated January 16, 2023, with license number 92532, under the ownership of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili.
The Quarterly Journal of A Review of Theorizing of Behavioral Sciences (RTBS) is an interdisciplinary publication dedicated to advancing fundamental knowledge in the social and behavioral sciences. This journal aims to reflect the scientific achievements of researchers in various behavioral sciences fields. This journal hopes that through its activities, by receiving and regularly publishing articles every quarter, it will adequately present the scientific achievements of researchers in the country to those interested in the subject of research and index them in reputable national databases.
The Journal of A Review of Theorizing of Behavioral Sciences (RTBS) publishes high-quality articles containing results from fundamental, applied, and developmental research in all areas of behavioral sciences. This journal is published quarterly, four times a year, by the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University.
About the Journal:
Pages 1-14
Abbas Mirzai; Shokoufe Naderlou; Seyyede Mahsa Mousavvi
Hossein Adamiat; Masoumeh Khonakdar Tarsi; Abolfazl Javaheri Moghanlou; Farshid Fathy Karkaragh
Faezeh Shahdadnezhad; Sadeg Farahmand Amin